Senior Google engineer Rick Viscomi has released a new HTTP Archive Core Web Vitals Technology report dashboard for Google Datastudio New dashboard: the Core Web Vitals technology report. You can see how respective web technology based sites are doing collectively for Google Core Web Vital metrics.
The report is usually updated every second Tuesday of each month so you can track a technology’s Google Core Web Vital metrics over time. The queries used to build the data have been open sourced at The ability to compare different web technologies user page speed metrics is useful. It’s even forced WordPress folks to propose a dedicated WordPress performance team to improve WordPress page speed performance as they’re falling behind competitors such as Wix, Shopify and Squarespace.
I usually track my Centmin Mod LEMP stack users’ performance along with other interesting web technologies I use or follow and post an update on Centmin Mod’s community forums. However, for September 2021 update, I decided to post on the Centmin Mod blog instead. Update: I’ve added an update for July 2022 report below.
Here are Centmin Mod LEMP stack site origins tracked by HTTP Archive’s Core Web Vital Technology report for the past few months. Each month, Centmin Mod LEMP stack site origins have been improving 😀
I’ve updated this blog post with July 2022 updated reports to see the growth for Centmin Mod LEMP stack-powered stacks compared to other web technologies I use or am interested in.
Centmin Mod itself for desktop and mobile over time. Back on September 2021, Centmin Mod reported 4,652 mobile origins in HTTP Archive Core Web Vitals Technology report. In July 2022, there are 5,953 mobile origins and 5,426 desktop origins in their database.
The desktop technology comparison for July 2022.
The mobile technology comparison for July 2022.
The September 2021 update has added additional metrics for Time To First Byte (TTFB), median Lighthouse performance score and median image, javascript and total page weights.
The Google Datastudio dashboard based report also allows you to export the results.
Exported results:
Centmin Mod LEMP stack based site origins improved in August from the previous month with the percentage of good Core Web Vital increasing from 37.6% to 43.8% and percentage of good Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) from 53.22% to 63.87%. While some other metrics had a bit of a decline. Centmin Mod site origins also broke through 2,000+ origin sites having good Core Web Vitals!
New metrics added now show the median Lighthouse performance score which improved from 53% to 57% based on median image weight per page of 410.5KB and median javascript per page of 361.8KB with median total page weight of 1,253.09KB.
Here’s how Centmin Mod compares with other web technologies I use or are interested in.
September 2021
August 2021