WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day

This blog post was migrated from old wordpress7.centminmod.com site prior to it’s closure. Third group of WordPress Super Cache benchmarks this time with some NewRelic server stats added. Blitz.io load tested this WordPress blog’s index page with 8000 users over 60 seconds with California region. This time no TCP errors as I did a few optimisation tweaks including lowering the memory allocation to MariaDB MySQL to free up more memory for Nginx and PHP-FPM (below memory usage charts show this as a dip in peak memory usage).

WordPress Super Cache in action + Centmin Mod LEMP web stack  = 237+ million hits/day  or 7.12 billion hits per month with peak of 4,158 hits/second and an average of 2,748 hits/second. Average response time was 298ms with slowest being 882ms once it hit 7664 user mark.

The WordPress blog maintained a 15ms response time up to 2321 user mark and then response time spiked to 88ms at 2992 users, 131ms at 3324 users, 274ms at 3993 users, 312ms at 4993, 422ms at 5993 users, 587ms at 7000 users and 870ms at 8000 users.

On 2GB KVM based DigitalOcean KBM VPS + CentOS 7.0 using Centmin Mod LEMP web stack and PHP 7.0.0-dev (PHP NG)

WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day


WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day


Blitz.io reports 631.96MB of data transferred which is about right according to NodeQuery @654MB

WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day

NewRelic stats show a peak CPU load average of 0.884 for 2 cpu cores = 0.884/2 = 0.442 cpu load average.

WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day


Peak network bandwidth was 36Mb/s or 4.7K packets/second.

WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day

Disk I/O utilization was at 0.207% with 434KB/sec or 2.76 IOP/sec

WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day

Memory usage for active processes on 2GB KVM based DigitalOcean KBM VPS + CentOS 7.0 using Centmin Mod LEMP web stack and PHP 7.0.0-dev (PHP NG). There’s a drop at around 12:05 as I lowered MariaDB MySQL memory allocation to free up memory for Nginx and PHP-FPM.

WordPress Super Cache Benchmarks (Blitz.io load test) 237 million hits/day


The Centmin Mod LEMP web stack consists of the following:

For more information on the Centmin Mod LEMP web stack install, check out the How to install Centmin Mod LEMP web stack on DigitalOcean Droplet Guide.